Debating the Divine, by Sally Steenland (pdf)
About the Authors (pdf)
Opening Essays
Civic Patriotism and the Critical Discussion of Religious Ideas, by David A. Hollinger (pdf)
Religious Pluralism in the Public Square, by Eboo Patel (pdf)
Responding Essays
The Two Cultures?, by Mark Lilla (pdf)
Religion in the Public Square, by Nicholas Wolterstorff (pdf)
Religions and Public Life: Problems of Translation, by Martha Minow (pdf)
Wisdom, Not Prescription: One Size Does Not Fit All, by Mark A. Noll (pdf)
Nobody Gets a Pass: Faith in Reason and Religious Pluralism Are Equally Questionable, by Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite (pdf)
Clothes Encounters in the Naked Public Square, by T. Jeremy Gunn (pdf)
America’s Tower of Religious Babble Is Already Too High, by Susan Jacoby (pdf)
Religion and Community Organizing: Prophetic Religion and Social Justice Offer Avenues to a New Democratic Pluralism, by Charlene K. Sinclair (pdf)
The Rules of Engagement: How the American Tradition of Religious Freedom Helps Define Religion’s Role in Civic Debate, by Melissa Rogers (pdf)
Globalization, the End of Easy Consensus, and Beginning the Real Work of Pluralism, by Vincent J. Miller (pdf)
Liberals and Religion, by Alan Wolfe (pdf)
Closing Essays
Patterns of Engagement and Evasion, by David A. Hollinger (pdf)
The Promise of Religious Pluralism by Eboo Patel, (pdf)
Policymaker Response
Transforming the Religious–Secular Divide to Work for the Common Good, by John D. Podesta and Shaun Casey (pdf)